Daniel Winstead, Schreyer Honors College Thesis Gong Tradition
April, 2019
Penn State University

The Gong (from the Schreyer Honors College website)

In 1990, a tradition began in the Schreyer Honors College when the ringing of a small brass bell signified the accomplishment of a Scholar completing their thesis.

Over the years, the ringing of a bell on thesis day became an audible symbol of accomplishment that often sparked multiple bell ringing from adjoining offices. This was, and is still, followed by applause and congratulatory words from the Schreyer Honors College staff and other Scholars.

The gong replaced the bell in 2000 and tradition dictates that only Scholars who have completed their thesis have the right to hit the gong.

Used to call the medals ceremony to order for the class of 2003, the gong has continued to be in a place of prominence at every ceremony.

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Dr. Ray L. Winstead
Direct e-mail Link: rw@raywinstead.com