"Storable, neglected, and underutilized species of Southern Africa for greater agricultural resilience"



Original Article Published in
"Plant-Environment Interactions"
Volume 5, Issue 4
(John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

Published August 23, 2024





Daniel J. Winstead

The Pennsylvania State University

Michael G. Jacobson

The Pennsylvania State University



The Southern African region suffers from drought and food system uncertainty with increased risks due to climate change, natural disasters, and global catastrophes. Increasing crop diversity with more appropriate and resilient crops is an effective way of increasing food system resilience. We focus on crop species that are native or naturalized to an area because of their increased resilience than those that are not naturally occurring. Additionally, crops that are easily stored are more useful in times of drought and disaster. In this systematic review, we use scientific interest in neglected and underutilized species (NUS) from Southern Africa to help define next steps toward their cultivation and development as a marketable crop. We found that although scientific interest is minimal for storable Southern African NUS, these crops are worth scaling up due to their economic and nutritional value. We outline next actionable steps and specific NUS for production in a more agrobiodiverse and resilient agriculture system.


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