223 Weyandt Hall
Department of Biology
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15705
Professional Interests and Formal Education
While basically a plant biologist my interests are pretty broad. I started my career as a student of bioenergetics - especially photosynthesis. I have done research on chlorophyll-proteins and the photosynthetic physiology of cyanobacteria. My post-doctoral research at Brookhaven National Laboratory and my sabbatical at UCLA were dedicated to this research.
The curiosity of my students has been a driving force in my lab. Over the past few years my research students have been trying to extract and characterize the protein "glue" that binds the wood pulp in paper wasp (actually white-faced hornets) nest material. These nests, as you know, are both very light and very strong.
Also some of my students have been working on designing a series of labs for junior and senior high school biology courses using only materials found in grocery stores and pharmacies.
B.A. - 1964 La Salle College, Philadelphia, PA
M.S. - (oops, I forgot to get one!)
Ph.D. - 1970 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA