13 Weyandt Hall
Department of Biology
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15705
Professional Interests and Formal Education
Field: Genetics and cellular behavior
My research involves the study of cellular behavior and regulated exocytosis in the ciliated protozoan Paramecium tetraurelia; this research employs techniques in molecular biology, cell biology, genetics and biochemistry. Paramecium is an excellent model system for the study of cellular behavior and ion channel function; the action potential can be genetically dissected, the cells are large enough to microinject for cell biological experiments, various molecular biological techniques are available, and the cells can be grown to large volumes to do biochemistry. Most importantly, Paramecium is an ideal system for undergraduate research. It is easy to handle and there are a large number of research problems that can be exploited.
B.A. - 1972 Indiana University
Major: Zoology
M.S. - 1974 Indiana University
Major: Zoology
Ph.D. - 1982 Indiana University
Major: Biology